Naguib Mechawar is featured in Recherche en santé, a publication of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé, which highlights achievements by health science researchers. Dr. Mechawar is part of a international team of researchers who was awarded an ERA-NET Neuron II ( Read more in Recherche en santé. Dr. Mechawar is featured in… Read More

Paper accepted for publication in Psychological Medicine F. Jollant, A. Malafosse, R. Docto, and C. Macdonald. A pocket of very high suicide rates in a non-violent, egalitarian and cooperative population of South-East Asia.… Read More

A reading suggestion from Fabrice: An Editorial in Nature: Head start: Europe’s mega-project to simulate the human brain has much to offer neuroscience research — whether or not it delivers on its central promise.… Read More

A reading suggestion by Fabrice Jollant: Neuroscience: Map the other brain, published in Nature by R. Douglas Fields… Read More

Congratulations to Juan Pablo Lopez and Cristiana Cruceanu for their tied first place for best presentation at the McGill Human Genetics Research Day! Additional kudos to Pablo for winning the prize for best presentation given by a PhD student a the 2013 Douglas & Dept. of Psychiatry Student Research Day. Finally, congratulations to Gabriela, Carolina… Read More

Suicide rates in Nunavut are ten times higher than the Canadian suicide rate. Dr. Eduardo Chachamovich released a new study this week titled: Qaujivallianiq Inuusirijauvalauqtunik, or Learning from Lives that have been Lived, whose main goal “was to identify the reasons behind each death by suicide in order to better comprehend, predict, and eventually prevent… Read More

Dr. Eduardo Chachamovich is in the spotlight this week at McGill’s Department of Psychiatry. Read his profile here:… Read More

Congratulations to Dr. Carl Ernst who was recently awarded a Canada Research Chair Tier 2 Award and the Douglas Hospital Induced-Pluripotent Stem Cell Laboratory for Cognitive Disorders Award. Read the news item on the McGill Psychiatry website.… Read More